Why do I have duplicate songs?!
You are seeing this message because you are using Android 4.4+ and an SD card.

OK, so how do I fix this?
  • To keep iSyncr from creating duplicates use Internal memory or follow the steps below.

Remove duplicates over WiFi
  1. Plug your Android device into the PC. (Mac users must use "ES File Explorer", or "Android File Transfer" or similar to complete steps 1-3)
  2. Use "My Computer" to open the Android device and the SD card
  3. Delete the "syncr" folder with all your music
  4. Now unplug your Android device and sync over WiFi. It'll have to copy everything again, because we deleted the old folder that Google won't let us change anymore
  5. Syncing over WiFi should not create duplicates going forward

Remove duplicates over USB
  1. Unplug your Android device
  2. Uninstall and reinstall iSyncr on your Android device
  3. You should now be able to sync over USB without getting duplicates

I want to sync over USB and WiFi
  • Option #1: Create separate playlists in iTunes that do not have overlapping songs and sync those using the two different methods
  • Option #2: Root your Android device and use SDFix to remove this new Android restriction

If duplicates do not bother you, ignore this message and sync. Contact [email protected] from more information.